The ideas in this episode are establishing the foundation for future projects.
A synopsis!
I discuss several modes of men and women:
What are these switches and when are they flipped? Can they be helped…?
Switches mentioned: provider, predator, energy conservation, pretty curse and confidence.
Introduce the the effect of cool vs warm energy signatures and their effect on men.
Make the observation that manhood has been defined by sexual conquest.
Essentially the premise of this conversation is how to make a man feel like a man.
I’ll be elaborating on these themes in future work.
Below are links to my prior work referenced in the episode:
Predator Switch - The Dark Knight
“Hoe” Behavior - The Pretty Curse
Modern Relationship Dynamics - Harmonious Imbalance
Defining being a Man and Woman by Sexual Conquest - Desirability
Taker Energy - Sexual Ravishment
Women Flipping Men’s Switch - Confidence (also on instagram titled Capability)
Women as the Life Force - Innocence
Consider donating on paypal , cashapp , or venmo (@el_eanordavid) to support my work
If you’re interested in more of my reflections, you can check out my Instagram
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