Most of you are well aware that my work is rooted in archetypal range and how we exchange power between the sexes (by animating different flavors).
I thought that the archetypes were comprehensive as is, but recent life events are showing me an even deeper level in how they show up in our daily lives.
Today I did something a little different, I uploaded a traditional pod talking out loud some of my ideas.
Here are a few things I'd like to share with you.
Women Animate to Be Seen
It's a great delight to be seen and recognized as you are. The power of the archetypes is to expand your expressions to be seen and accepted in multiple flavors. Often we stick to the ones that we perceive as safe and sacrifice others to appease our surroundings and even ourselves.
Expression with an open heart is the feminine gift to the masculine. Jess Fenton explained this very well in her Spiritualised podcast. When it comes to being authentic we're actually having a conversation about the truth. Offering your truth openly as a fashion statement, comment, movement or the look in your eyes is the most potent form of femininity.
One thing I've noticed when women select partners is they will stick by a man who has accepted a very specific animation. It's an archetype she was not allowed to be or had a great deal of shame around. This can be a beautiful exchange between the two or a detrimental place to be in. If she is not careful she will begin to tolerate more difficulty in the relationship because one aspect of her is being seen and held (even if the others are not).
From the outside eye it can seem obvious why they are not a “good match”. But we have to accept we all have different metrics in what's important and what's tolerable. When a woman is seen in a way that feels very nurturing to her she will do just about anything for her partner. A wonderful act of devotion or the root of repeated trauma. As you know, everything is neutral. We decide how to wield it.
Men Witness to Feel
The unique gift of the feminine is providing the masculine an experience. What I've come to understand from Jess Fenton's observation is the woman is the one who opens the door to vulnerability and open heartedness.
When she does she creates an experience of awe and wonder because she is open to life. This creates a channel where the life force can circulate. She is full of vitality and the man is also revitalized in her presence.
Now there are other expressions outside of joy and innocence that the man is drawn to. Everyone has their own preferences and desires, but ultimately he is looking to the woman for how he wants to feel. Another way I say it is, what experience he wants to have when she is around. The first layer (that many don't go beyond) is the 5 senses, looking beautiful and smelling nice to appeal and give him a good feeling. In today's age most of this is carnal and appealing to the biology through sexual arousal.
I believe most men want to experience branches from these two categories: feeling like the hero and having a soft place to relax and lower his guard. Sexual fantasy is one we can throw in there, as it's the most publicized. But since the internet has provided an abundance of ways to simulate that particular experience, I think the most valuable ones to the masculine presently are what I mentioned.
The experience he seeks can be fulfilling and dare I say divine from the woman or it can serve as a dangerous form of distraction. We will see men go to great lengths, make sacrifices and put forth effort to receive a specific experience from a woman. The challenges remain the same. It's important he doesn't put himself in compromising situations to sustain a feeling one woman may provide. I think we see this fragmentation illustrated with multiple partners which is why there's discussion around him juggling more than one woman.
Even sexual desire.. to me it's less about intercourse and more about what the woman is animating, and how that archetype makes him feel. It may not be available in other places or with other women so he seeks to preserve it the best he can. As I mentioned above, witnessing the woman's animation to open an aspect of himself, can be a wonderful act of devotion or the root of repeated trauma.
Love is Patient
One thing I'll leave you with is love is patient. It takes practice to be more of who we are, to be seen and heard in different facets. It takes practice for your partner to be more of who they are, to be seen and heard in different facets. This takes time, multiple tries and space to continue showing up. Food for thought as we relate, fall in love and sustain our relationships. Practice makes progress and the best thing to remember is that love is patient.
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