Hello friends! Thank you for your patience. I took a week off and have missed you! I am currently making major adjustments in my life and there will be updates coming soon. For now, a story on how I met today’s guest.
My senior year of high school, I made it abundantly clear that I was going to a school where I didn’t know anyone. That happened to be the University of Arkansas. Woo Pig. :) My freshmen year, I lived on the 4th floor of my college dorm right across the community bathroom. I was waiting for the elevator, patiently standing in the small lobby of my all girl’s floor. The doors opened with a nice, jolly looking man inside.
We greeted one another, chatted and he invited me to breakfast to join him and his roommate. We walked to the cafeteria, swiped our cards and he leads me to a table with another young man. Who did I become acquainted with that fated day in the pomfret hall cafeteria?
Ramon Henry.
Our origin story is important because Ramon and I became inseparable. Owen the bridge who connected us (elevator man) apparently was painfully shy. It was unusual for him to speak to anyone let alone a cute girl in an elevator. It ended up being a big leap of faith on his end. But thanks to Owen, Ramon and I had a lasting friendship for the remainder of our college career.
Funny enough we were both in committed long distance relationships and hopelessly in love with our high school sweethearts. Everyone thought we were an item which was the furthest thing from the truth. Our significant others knew about the other and everyone who mattered was on the same page.
But I still remember the kid who took my college ID to swipe my card for dinner always asking me where my “boyfriend” was whenever I ate alone. Rolling my eyes I’d repetitively say “that’s not my boyfriend”.
Some people never get it though their head.
Regardless! This was my first impromptu car chat. Mr. Henry lives in TX now and happened to be in KC when I was recording the series. He invited me to meet him at the farmer’s market. I asked him if he’d be down for a drive and episode.
Even though it wasn’t his best hair day he obliged. We came up with the topic while I was in park, set up the camera and bam we were in action.
I asked Mr. Henry what is too much effort? Here are some of the things we covered:
Pursuit vs Clowned - It can be tough to judge who’s being genuine and who can’t be trusted
Honest Effort - Sometimes showmanship is more about appearances than authenticity
Women’s Effort - Ramon kindly reminded me that it feels good when women put forth some effort too
Men are Simple - We really make things more complicated than we need to
What Does Effort Look Like for The Conversationalist? - This threw me off guard but I answered (:
Show Love - The highest compliment, the best gift, the only way
I am still running my Program Analyze to Strategize! These are single hour sessions where I analyze your current animation, and we strategize a new one.
Expanding your range is how you seize your life without apology and change your mind without regret. It’s how you maintain attraction and healthy tension with your significant other. It’s the subconscious tool box you didn’t know was there.
Increasing your bandwidth to embody and animate different versions of yourself is the secret to personal power and owning your life. Often we limit ourselves, create our own glass ceilings or simply say this is good “enough” or as good as it can get.
There’s an aspect of you waiting to come out and play. To seize life with no inhibitions. But the box you created has conveniently kept it away.
Book here for a single session to liberate the parts of you that have been caged.
You can be two things at once. (Because you already are).
As always, thanks so much for being here.
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