A shift in the content for today.
This is a podcast I would normally save for behind the paywall.
But this is the perfect time to announce….
I am pausing the paywall on The Conversationalist.
Pausing the paywall….? Yes.
What does this mean?
I am not taking payments from my paid subscribers until further notice. (:
There are a lot of moving pieces and new commitments I am eager to manage. I’m excited to keep you in the loop on these upcoming projects!
For now I had to take an honest reflection on my creative output and I decided pausing the paid subscriptions would be the best for my flow and the value you receive.
I have reinstated the paywall for March 17th 2024 (St Patrick’s Day). The paid subscribers still have access to the entire library with all my exclusive content.
I have several new subscribers! Hello! You can view any and every post I’ve ever done on my substack. If you like podcasts you can listen here. If you’re from youtube and enjoy my videos, you can find more here. All of you are welcome to check out my comprehensive series on the archetypes (masculine & feminine) here.
In the mean time, we might as well get personal with my freebies. :)
For the first time I don’t start off with a point or direction. Simply an honest assessment on where I am and what it means and how I’m not sure what to make of it.
To sum up today’s conversation: a contemplation on ease and struggle.
In a world of automation and accessibility our hardship is centered around patience. How long can we wait for something, how long should we wait for something, how long can we bear to wait for something.
Funny enough, I realized this ironic relationship of urgency…
We are urgent to get the health result, amazon delivery or even the browser to refresh. But somehow we lack the urgency to do the steps in between. We’re intense about where we’re starting and our desire to finish, but the umph to do the middle seems to be not worth our time or effort...
I discussed my shame and guilt around this. What do I “deserve” to coast on? And is that a judgment that I have or has been placed upon me?
As a modern woman what is okay to receive? What should I spend time putting elbow grease on?
The ideals of working hard, overcoming obstacles, maintaining resiliency have been hard for me to claim due to my privileged upbringing.
In short my basic evolutionary needs were always taken care of. I’ve never experienced a day where I had to worry about food, water, clothing or shelter. And to top that my parents were predictable and consistent in almost every way.
The narratives around “the come up” and “making something out of nothing” have always been inspiring, but somehow cast an internal shadow on my family’s comfortable life style.
One thing I’ve noticed with urgency… The more resources available, the less urgent you become.
There’s no denying the skillset of craft, wit, and execution for those who’ve had less available to them. And it’s clear in the West that too much ease and automation for the younger generation doesn’t aid favorable development.
A woman I follow online had an intriguing thought that women who delay marriage are reflecting a lack of urgency. She observed these ladies are operating on the wrong side of time (biologically). There are women in other countries and cultures who don’t have the “luxury” to pursue an individual career, change their mind with divorce or wait it out for a man to prove themselves.
Her argument was the urgency actually made these women smarter, more effective and in line with their biological makeup. Overall they have more successful marriages in terms of satisfaction and longevity.
An evolutionary necessity or survival consciousness ?
A privilege of abundant resources or a biological down fall?
As with all duality, a sliding scale meant to be collapsed.
But I wondered…
How do I balance effort and ease? What is mine to claim and what do I owe? Who’s ideas are these any way?
Are these expectations mine or another’s?
This is a episode where I think out loud. Pondering the sweet spot of sacrifice, risk, work ethic along with comfort, ease and security.
A first world problem, but one I think we all toy with at some degree.
And somehow… a conversation on time. What timelines we choose to take, what we recognize as ample time vs running out of time and who created this rulebook any way.
Thanks so much for your readership.
I am offering a Black Friday Sale for Analyze to Strategize! I am bundling both sessions Decode Your Psyche AND Decode Your Relationship at a discounted rate. Offer expires 11/27.
You are also the first to know of another offer I’m announcing tomorrow. I am expanding Analyze to Strategize to offer an introductory archetype session for couples and groups! If you have a friend, significant other or even sports team that are curious how you all tick… this is the one for you. We’ll identify everyone’s archetype, learn how to animate and the best strategies to connect with one another while avoidingconflict.
Feel free to reply to this email or message me on instagram for any questions.
And if you’re ready to get started Book Here
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