Women believe they garner respect in the same way as men.
They’ve misread the room, which is why we are where we are.
In a conversation with a friend (more details coming soon) she inquired about something I have wondered about myself. Why are women spending so much time on hair, make up, injections and surgeries to catch men’s attention visually?
The question isn’t novel, but her rationale is what I’ve been pondering.
Her argument; according to nature, women have inversed the mating ritual. Male birds are more vivid in color, male lions have unmistakable manes, male rams battle with their large horns. Everywhere in nature the male species are more ostentatious to prove their cabilities as a worthy mate.
The female species is bland, neutral, demure in their presentation. When did women flip the script?
I saw her point. But instinctually felt to adorn oneself is the feminine domain. There is something undeniable about (most) women being drawn to the art of “making herself up”, changing her appearance for fun, dressing up, dressing down, playing with texture or putting on a pair of shoes that make her feel like she’s that bitch.
And it starts young! We discussed our natural draw to our mother’s make up and closet even though neither one of our mom’s prioritized their appearance the same way as Cardi B or a 50’s housewife.
But today I realized the difference.
It’s not that multi-color feathers, loud roars or peacock flexing is nature’s masculine design.
No, no, no.
Like I say all the time, it isn’t the “what” it’s the “how”.
It’s how the flashy presentation is being animated.
The male species use vivid appearance to prove themselves as a worthy mate.
Women add dynamism to their appearance to create.
Adorning herself is for the sake of creation. And what is she creating?
A pleasurable experience.
Yes. First to enjoy herself.
And from there, potentially another.
This isn’t about turning a man on with lash extensions, tittlating him from implants or mimicking a filter with contour.
It’s about a woman’s feminine range. Creating what feels good to her in the moment. And since that will change with her cyclical nature, (if she’s free enough in her expression) it will add the variety in her appearance and enhance each animation.
They say the masculine is doing, the feminine is being.
The flamboyant appearance in nature is to show what he can do. The extravagant appearance of a woman is to illustrate who she is.
Her picturesque appearance reflects her mood, her art, her spectrum.
Once she values and honors her internal landscape she hones self-respect.
But if women use their bodies, beauty products and synthetic appearance to peacock…
I think subconsciously, men know they lack self-respect because they recognize this is a page from their playbook. Women are using their appearance in an attempt to prove themselves.
Ornate displays in nature is for males to earn respect. But women have taken this practice in hopes they’ll earn love.
In actuality beauty is more than accessorizing for attention It’s altaring a temple.
The feminine pracitce is to play, experiment, become pleasure and recognize the diversity of feminine flavor. It’s a nod to the beauty in life.
To quote my piece “Beauty - Women As the Life Force”
There are people I know who adore flowers. And there are people I know who ask: What is the point of flowers anyway? The larger question here..
Is beauty superfluous or functional?
Now, I can think of a few practical functions for being a beautiful woman. The most obvious is attracting a mate. In addition, there’s no denying that she has access to more opportunities, social capital, and influence on those around her.
I believe one of the greatest functions of beauty is it inspires others to care for and tend to. […]
The effect of beauty in the natural world and between the sexes is service.
And that’s where the confusion lies.
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