I’ve noticed a shift recently. I want to be quiet. My mind is asking for less chatter. My body is telling me less food. My energy is saying more stillness. My instincts wanting to come through.
There’s so much I’m excited about. And it feels like so much to do.
In between less of this and more of that and less of this and more of that
I’ve been feeling nostalgic… Listening to old podcasts that changed my mind and changed my heart. Thinking of past love that brought so much delight while soaking in it’s absence. Crying for the world’s pain I don’t even come close relating to. And crying tears of gratitude for the endless good fortune I’m always exposed to.
All while trying to find the perfect middle ground, where I accept it all.
Admittedly, straddling the line seems to change every day for each situation. But honestly, I’m not bothered by it.
In the midst of diving into creating my content, I’ve been a little surprised how I’m not mentally locking in like I usually do. In between edits, writing and posting I’m taking long baths, car rides that don’t really go any where and staring at the wall.
I have over 100 posts on substack and I was rereading a few last night. Several I forgot all about and it makes me so proud of myself. I came across this one I did where I shared quotes and it made me think of my dad.
A voracious reader, now converted audio book listener. Still consuming literature at an obscene level, 3-5 audio books a week. We just visited my sister in Las Vegas. I asked to go to the library to work on my content, he took the opportunity to get a Las Vegas library card so he could expand the book selections on his Libby app.
Whenever we talk about what we’re reading or listening to, at some point we say we need a break from all the information. We just need to hear a good story. Get some fiction in the rotation. He says:
“Yep. It’s like bubble gum for the brain.”
I decided I wanted to add something new in my rotation of emails. As much as I love learning, uncovering & discovering, sometimes it’s nice to relax and simplify. Ease the digestion of all the information and just pop on some mental bubble gum.
I’m going to write a short blib, link an old post, share a few quotes and create a visual mood board. Curate a mini experience for your inbox outside of information and sales.
I know I need it right now. And the best way to receive is to give it away. Thanks so much for being here.
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