As someone who believes in radical responsibility, the power of the mind and creating your own reality….
I’m played out by the notion that healing is the answer.
Admittedly I don’t have all the answers. But I have experiences and observations. And like anyone else who believes in the scientific method, I can propose a hypothesis.
In fact, I came up with five.
1. Deliverance
You are the perfect match to balance the karmic scales
Homeostasis is a concept I think we can all agree on. The body is making constant adjustments, ecosystems adapt and socially we swing one direction to go back where we came from. There is something about balance being in constant motion that isn’t always a clean line down the middle.
If you’re experiencing poor treatment, questionable service or insane disaster it might be you’re in the perfect position to check behavior before it gets out of hand.
It’s not meant to be a duty of responsibility but a natural response of your own standards. Not all behavior is corrected by courtesy. In this theory shit happens because you’re the warning or cold hard stop of an energy spiraling in the wrong direction. Your mirrored intensity is what was called for. Not a scan for wounding.
2. Fortify
Confirm who you are
Simply put, this theory claims that life is a test.
If you don’t vibe with the idea that you’re constantly being tested, I get it. Another way to phrase it is an invitation or an inquiry. Who do you choose to be in this moment of time?
Quick story. I was talking to a good friend who had been through a lot. She said from all her experiences she wrote down “I’ll always be the bigger person.” Fast forward a week or two, she went out partying to celebrate. She had one girl steal her drinks, another comment on her dress and physically pull it down.
The test: Are you the bigger person?
The invitation: Would you like to be the bigger person here? How about now?
The inquiry: Does being the bigger person still work for you in this circumstance?
However you choose to frame it, I find when you make a declaration, circumstances appear for you to confirm or deny the declaration you’ve made.
They’re often challenging to verify you’re as sure as you think you are. Instead of seeing this as an open wound, picture them as opportunities. When the contrast of dark comes to show your light, remember it’s a test you know you’ll pass, an invitation your happy to accept, or an inquiry you know the answer too.
3. Action
Forces you to do something different
I find misfortune is often the culprit of hesitation or denial. Indecision can be a dangerous place to be if it lingers too long.
Unexpected hardship might come to shake you up. Not to question you. It demonstrates you’re bigger than your fear and clears the fog of your perception. Action you might not have taken otherwise.
Difficulty is also a method for course correction. A terrible happenstance could put you in rooms you needed to be in with people who were suppose to cross your path. It could also reconnect you with family, old friends or bring unforeseen joy at a later time.
I’m also of the belief that annoying inconveniences could force you into an action now that would have been way worse down the road. (I did have car troubles once and later learn there was a pile up down the highway I was suppose to go down.) Might not feel the most advantageous, but sometimes action is better than no action.
Consider donating on paypal , cashapp , or venmo (@el_eanordavid) to support my work
If you’re interested in more of my reflections, you can check out my Instagram
If you’d like another source of insight, my mentor said she’s happy to extend her mindful, healing conversations with any of you. Reply to this email for more details
4. Facilitation
An invitation to up-level
Sometimes shit happens to remember who the fuck you are. And pretty regularly I’m reminded in the form of my willingness to tolerate someone else’s bull shit.
I think the most common example is a significant other who made you question your worth. After getting an overhaul in doubt, low self-esteem and emotional labor, you have a whole new set of standards for the next partner.
I do believe men and women will poke you, not even consciously to provoke the uproar that’s laid dormant inside of you. They act as a reminder that you deserve to be on top and feel that way too. But the packaging is presented by how low you’ll negotiate before rising to the occasion.
5. Activate
You are the catalyst to someone else’s change
An interesting one. I believe there are times when your poor circumstance activates someone else. It was less about you and more of an invitation for the other party to choose better, be better and do better. Unfortunately free will doesn’t offer any guarantees. And there are occasions the other party will be shitty with you and better for the next.
To repeat myself. This isn’t necessarily an indication that you have inner work to do. You could have been the piece of a greater puzzle someone chose not to incorporate. No worries. I believe when you’re open and honest and still taken advantage of, not only do you maintain your good karma, what was lost of theirs is now bestowed onto you.
Consider donating on paypal , cashapp , or venmo (@el_eanordavid) to support my work
If you’re interested in more of my reflections, you can check out my Instagram
If you’d like another source of insight, my mentor said she’s happy to extend her mindful, healing conversations with any of you. Reply to this email for more details