1. Change is the Only Constant
It’s tempting, dazzling, alluring even at the thought of one thing working forever. I’m here to tell you, this is false. Fruit doesn’t produce all year long, the seasons cycle, love waxes and wanes, jobs, friendships, mentors all have their place at certain times. Nothing is all the time.
The same holds true for your body. I see countless women frustrated because what once worked isn’t yielding the same results. They feel defeated, exhausted, like a failure. I honestly believe the error is the “magic pill” solution we’re being sold.
For someone who has been dedicated to this space for about a decade, I’ve rearranged my food, cardio, strength, tempo, philosophy countless times. This is what I realized. It all works and none of it works. It’s the context that matters.
I often say, the body is an on-going science experiment. Environment, stress, people, work, mental health ebbs and flows. Your body has different needs as circumstances change. The answer? Ditch microwave solutions, learn your body and accept life operates in cycles. I promise you’ll feel better and look better too.
2. Beliefs are More Effective than Salads
I said it. I know this personally and through observation. Your inner belief system is effecting your physiology and physique. Let’s do a brief run down. Your beliefs are subconscious and express themselves everyday whether you’re aware of it or not. If you’re beliefs are based in low self-esteem, your behavior will reflect self-sabotage. Even if you do all the “productive” external actions, your body will still receive the internal message it’s not safe to change.
For an example, let’s say an internal narrative is “It’s not safe to be seen”. Where did this belief come from? Potentially an embarrassing moment in elementary school, a mistake in group sports, rejection from a love interest or a past trauma.
What’s powerful about the internalized belief is the somatic nervous system. The nervous system is receiving stimuli from the outside world. When we receive stimulus, we interpret it and respond. Let’s say someone wants to introduce you to a colleague, and your emotional state is alarmed. The nervous system responds with their own alarms, sending a cascade of chemical messages, AKA hormones to adapt to the perceived threat.
If you believe it’s not safe to be seen, this bio-chemical response is on over-drive every time someone witnesses you. This is why it’s critical to know your belief systems. If the mind and body are out of balance no amount of green smoothies will serve it.
3. “No” is a Complete Sentence
Whenever you start to make a change, you’re going to say no a lot. It’s one thing to build yourself up to say, “No, Eleanor you’re not going to order a side of French fries”. It’s another to say no to your loved ones.
This is a big adjustment and very enlightening to see who is interested and supportive of your success. It will be difficult and your loved ones will need time to adjust. You’ll also discover some prefer the old version of you and won’t adapt. That’s okay, give yourself and others grace as you transition.
You will be surprised how much intimacy is related to food. And not only that, but which connections are founded on habits to your detriment. As you make a change “No” will be part of your new foundation. I promise it will get easier with time, and clarify the ones who are on your team and cheering you on to succeed.
Author’s note: If you’re interested in learning more about how to apply these tips personally, feel free to email me to schedule health & wellness advising
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