What if I told you that every thought, emotion, experience could be channeled through the eyes?
What if I told you that you could get what you wanted without saying anything?
What if I told you that every frustration, fear, fury and ferocity could be delivered without parting your lips?
What if I told you that you have the power to take that screaming match in your head, the restlessness in your body, the turn on of your cat, the wish to connect and send it though your eyes…
And the masculine will understand you. He will translate with more accuracy than you could ever believe.
Because he was designed to pick up on subtitles. To read his environment and hold the pose of silence anticipating the next move.
And you, are the force that shapeshifts. The stimulus to his response. The motion that keeps him sharp. The width that keeps him deep.
You have the power to filter the mammoth energies of your biology, emotions and thoughts and deliver it in a clean channel to the masculine. As a singular focus.
Now you’re speaking his language.
You’re directing the show. You’re the ring leader of the wild impulses, sexual desires, deep sadness, yearning for connection. You ALLOW for all of it, because you are all of it.
But you are not a victim to change, you are the agent of change. And that power the masculine recognizes instinctively in you.
This is how we restore harmony between the sexes. By recognizing our power and exchanging it with the other. Women maintaining their range and expressing it in a fun, sexy, subtle way.
And who doesn’t love a good siren eye any way.
Final Call on 777 - Cart Closes at Midnight Tonight
8 Week Live Digital Course for Women to dissolve insecurity into savage, sexy spirituality.
Ever Been Called...?
Bat shit crazy
Overly emotional
Hot head
Stuck Up
Too Much
Want to know the secret? You don't have to change any of these attributes. You just have to own them so they don't own you.
Learn to activate and animate the 7 Femme Fatales with a sisterhood of women. 777 is a live online course that will bring awareness to your subconscious insecurities and alchemize them into your own Jen Es Se Quoi.
Each lesson will explain how to take every "negative" attribute and yield it's specific power...
So you can:
Embody Your Own IT Factor
Be Unapologetic About ANY and EVERY desire
Welcome More Powerful Women in Your Life
Master Every Flavor of Sexy
Source Your Confidence Within
For those of you who love a little last minute sign up… Here are all the extra goods you get if you sign up in the next few hours…
1:1 session with me for FREE
AND Instant access to exclusive bonus content:
Feminine Range Meditation
How to Have Pre-martial Sex as the Femme Fatale
How to Be a Bitch the Right Way
Enroll for 777 HERE
The time is now, I’m not offering this program again.
Buckle up, I have to show you a few things about the eyes…