“I just love sharing” - Me every time someone brings up The Conversationalist.
Whenever I made the switch from fitness content to psychology, I had a new inspiration.
It wasn’t about showing people what they could be doing in the gym or motivating a new outcome with their body, it subtly shifted into sharing what I was learning.
I wanted to share the realizations, the ahas.
I’m just happy to share. And that’s what keeps me going.
Now. I’m a writer. And it’s not like me to use the same word 4x in 5 sentences. But this is what I want to bring our attention to.
Sharing vs Giving
It occurred to me, most of the discontent people experience personally, romantically, in their business or brand is feeling like they’re giving but not receiving.
And it dawned on me, there’s a number of associations between giving and transactions (and even martyrdom.)
You give to get
There’s a give and take
I gave to you, but you owe me back
People give up
And told not give anything away
Granted, there are wonderful things in the world of giving. But I started to wonder… if all the discontent around people pursuing self help, healing, relationship woes etc… could be boiled down to resentful giving.
It really made me think. Why all of a sudden was I starting to say the word share? Especially in relationship to my brand and business endeavors? Was it related to this new feeling of content? Regardless or not if this platform “takes” me anywhere?
It started to sink in that “sharing” didn’t feel like I was “giving” anything “away”. I had it for myself and wanted others to have it too.
I had a profound realization and wanted to share it. I made this amazing connection and wanted to share it. I learned a difficult lesson that shed wisdom and wanted to share it.
I realized I don’t feel like I’ve “lost” anything. Or would “loose” anything if I continued. I don’t perceive anything as being wasted. The “giving” and “receiving” is a cyclical relationship with me. I “get” something when I “give”.
This is the sweet spot. When it feels like you’re “getting” something by “giving”, other people feel they “get” something when they “give” to you.
Transactional relationships and sleazy business fade away.
Obviously every dynamic is different and people don’t come from the same place of equilibrium. But I thought this would be a good place to start.
I want to share a recent opportunity that depicted this perfectly.
A podcast interview I did went live on Sunday with a dear friend named Jess Molina. Jess lives what she teaches and has such a warm heart.
We covered the topics of feminine range, my personal struggles with it, how it relates to men and which animations I feel at home in and which ones I don’t… :)
It’s a lovely conversation! I wanted to include it because we have a dynamic where we truly share with one another. We shared space, time, ideas and conversation. It didn’t take from the other to do so. We felt energized by what the other brought.
Jess wants to share what she’s learned with other women and wants to hear me share what I’ve learned as well.
This is what community means to me.
Continue to deepen the conversation with 1:1 Sessions with me
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