Safety. This is a common thread in my musings.
I harp on this concept because I believe creating a space and feeling of safety, is unique to men. Yes, women play a part in their own world in terms of preparation, wits and physical ability. But I believe the protective shield is designated to men because they are biologically designed and hormonally equipped to protect women and children from danger.
To begin, let’s review the definition of instinct. It is defined as “an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli”.
There are two aspects of this that feel reassuring to me as a woman. The first is “response”. This infers there is some form of action. The second is “innate”. I’m assured there is an automatic programming that leads to such action.
This is important in terms of masculinity. Life is a wild ride full of surprises. We can all attest. If and when life throws a curveball, I need to know there is action that keeps moving forward. Will every action be the one that solves the problem? No. But action is always better than no action.
To specify protection, I am referring to a man addressing circumstances that feel threatening. This could range from becoming financially unstable, addressing blatant disrespect, reacting to physical harm from the hands of another or situating his home in a natural disaster.
Regardless of the circumstance the man knows it’s time to act.
I refer to this as an “animal” instinct because animals react to sustain their life. They use their senses to determine environments with low risk that allow them to thrive and reproduce.
So when I say “animal reaction” I don’t mean going savage or drawing blood.
What I’m referring to is the instinct to preserve life, neutralize threats (offensively and defensively) while using acute observation to act strategically.
As mentioned above this can be strategizing a business fall out, evacuating from a hurricane, attending school visits due to unfair treatment in class, speaking up if someone cuts your wife in the grocery line and even knowing when to walk away when the risk is too great.
This automated system of action is the hallmark of a man.
What shape does this system take? A protective shield. The action is the man stepping forward. As he metaphorically steps forward, he is either taking the brunt of the force to shield impact or eliminating the hazard upon his arrival, sparing his family, friends or loved ones.
To know a man will act strategically to preserve the life of myself and/or his family is the greatest security that I can experience as a woman. As I’ve mentioned, I do not sense this instinct or feeling of honor in every man.
And if it’s not present I do not trust it.
Because I know at some point there will be a hand dealt that is difficult, scary or overwhelming. I need to know there is zero hesitation in betting your chips, playing your hand and reading your opponents to win or experience the best case scenario. When I know a man goes into this mode without a second thought, I trust it.
Trust is the key element in feeling safe. If a woman is on guard with a man, there is no receptive place for him to land. She’s shielding her heart and blocking his pursuits. When her defenses are up, she can’t be vulnerable which leads to a lack of intimacy.
A woman’s radiance only shines when it feels safe to do so. Her glow requires vulnerability. Only then, will the life force illuminate around her and pour from her. From there, a man can experience her nectar and penetrate her flow with his depth in consciousness. If she’s guarded and not feeling safe… she becomes the piercing energy of suspicion instead of life’s delectable delicacy.
This is why being the protective shield is critical for the masculine consciousness.
The movement forward is a masculine display of focus and courage. This assurance creates a feeling of trust that a woman is with a man she can depend on. As he steps up to protect, it keeps her out of harms way while lowering her defenses. The woman can relax and feel safe in his presence. Once relaxed, joy, ease and receptivity become her automatic state of being.
From there the “balance” of security and trust is in order, worlds can be created, and the spice of life can ensue.
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Author’s note: If you’re interested in learning more about how to apply these concepts personally, feel free to email me to schedule health & wellness consulting
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