Not too long ago, a friend sent me this link which was a complete game changer when it came to my content. A system that takes long form video and chops it down into short clips WITH captions WITH titles WITH hashtags AND an auto scheduler.
I sent it to 3 other friends I was so excited about it.
If content creators had a heaven on Earth, it would be Opus Clips.
Now…. something unexpected came along with this magnificent upgrade.
My comment section has gotten…. rowdy.
The once in a blue moon off the wall, inconsiderate comment has turned into a regular notification the past few weeks. I took for granted that people would understand what I’m saying in 30 seconds had been taken out of context from a 45 minute video.
Silly me.
As I’m building my troll tolerance (comes with the territory) I received the most heart warming text.
Every time I doubt what I’m up to, I always get these reminders.
She just got back from a weekend trip and felt like she was a character that embodied a whole new persona. She did things she normally wouldn’t have done without any shame. Took risks because it enlivened her, met a man and had fun because her heart opened for it, expressed a new aspect of herself because it felt natural to her. And came back to town and felt at home in herself. Both versions, an extension of her.
This. Is worth every mother f’n troll.
When it clicks.
The animation, the archetypes, expressing every aspect, recognizing the duality of it all.
And liberating yourself to animate the one you please.
I’ll give these teachings a million times over in a thousand different ways for as many people to get their “click”.
And what is the click?
It’s freedom.
My platform is beyond archetypes, seduction and dating gurus. It’s about the truth. Identifying yours. Knowing that changes at any given moment. And each time deserves the full expression of what it is for you.
This doesn’t make you flighty, unstable or undependable. When you ground into the power of being a man or a woman, you recognize the infinite is available to you.
Because the truth is, you’re all of it and you’re none of it. You’re every archetype and you’re none of them. You’re the empty void and the embodied expression.
My lecture is continuing what I’ve started. Giving you the framework, details, and energy behind what’s being presented. And allowing you to take the information and apply it to your truth.
Not mine, not these women, but for you.
How you want to feel love in your body, be ravished by your partner, dress in the sunshine, cry when you’re hurt, change your voice when you’re excited, surrender to the moment.
My only job is to give you the rule book, cover to cover and then give you permission to break them artistically.
Join me Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:00 pm CST. For an analysis on 3 dating Mavens. It’s not about who’s right or wrong, but getting messy in love as you change your mind but stay committed to the expression of it. The change is anchored to the present moment, to your devotion in the relationship. And that has many faces. And even outfit changes ;)
All I’m doing is giving you more colors to finger paint with. Love doesn’t have a fine tooth bristle 😂 We might as well gather the players, the learn the rules and break them like an artist as we go.
Dating Gurus & The Dark Femme Lecture Here
Replay is available for those who are unable to attend live.
Here’s to coloring outside the lines