You think you need to be more of something?
More Focused
More Friendly
More Sexy
More Sensitive
More Useful
More Understanding
This is where you miss the mark. All these traits are already there but you:
Boxed it up, out of sight out of mind
Rejected it from past “failures”
Judged it for not being “you”
These characteristics are not missing or lacking. They’re simply dormant.
The archetypes by Ayesha K Faines provide a detailed framework. But I simplify range in two categories:
Feminine : Warm vs Cool
Masculine : Conventional vs Unconventional
Observe your patterns internally & interpersonally. It’s likely you lean towards one end of the spectrum more than the other.
Which archetype do you circle back to? What animation appears over and over again? What expression feels like home? Which expression is a no fly zone? What do you admire but feel is unobtainable for yourself?
Knowledge is power and Freedom is what you do with what’s been given to you.
I want to give you information to clarify your range. Yes to strategize living on your own terms. But honestly I’m most interested in you feeling free.
Analyze to Strategize - Enrolling Now
My pilot program where I teach you how to analyze the truth beneath the surface to strategize your most ideal outcome.
What does that mean in English?
I analyze your current animation then we strategize a new one.
We expand your range by adding the one you’ve been missing. The one that will change your look, situation and relationship. The expression that liberates you from your self-imposed limitations.
The best way to think about animating is transmitting. It’s a frequency that creates a specific shape as it emits.
In my world of archetypes, each one has a different transmission which is why each animate different personalities.
During your session I analyze your dominant animation then we strategize the best one to achieve your desired outcome. Thus expanding your range.
I’m running Analyze to Strategize until November. But… If you purchase before October 31st I will gift you a free session. BOGO before Halloween.
I’m looking for 5 men and 5 women.
Click here to get started.
Consider donating on paypal , cashapp , or venmo (@el_eanordavid) to support my work
Master the dance between Love & Power, Review my online courses to get started
Curious on more of my thoughts and ideas? You can check out my Instagram
A Bonus Video For my Paid Subscribers on the most profound insight I’ve received on how to connect with men. Consider upgrading your subscription if that speaks to you along with access to my full library of content.
This is still one of the most profound teachings I received on how to strategize connection between the sexes.
I actually made an entire series on the reciprocals of love & respect. The playlist is private but I’ll share with all of you if it’s of interest.
If I’m being very honest, I hid it because it’s my personal preferences not an intellectual presentation and I feel bashful about it. But how silly is that! I spent quite a bit of time on it and I have all of you! It’s a direction we can certainly go in.
Reply here or message me to let me know if you have a preference.
Thanks so much for being here.
Consider donating on paypal , cashapp , or venmo (@el_eanordavid) to support my work
Master the dance between Love & Power, Review my online courses to get started
Curious on more of my thoughts and ideas? You can check out my Instagram