Fiesty. Friendly. Warm. Passionate. Flirty. Fabulous. Fierce. Funny.
Thousands of archetypes. Countless animations. Infinite expressions.
A woman’s range is truly endless and there are many frameworks that organize the feminine essence.
As you know, we discuss Ayesha K Faines’ archetypes. Today I’d like to outline the process of analyzing and strategizing the warm archetypes: lover, mother, maiden (the queen is a blend of both and we’ll save her for later).
Perfect Opportunities for Women to Animate Warmth
Lover - Passion - The lover animation is the “Yes to life” energy. There is an openness that is energizing. Her willingness to follow what feels good and allow herself to receive without guilt is the secret to her magnetism. Yes this is great in romance, but also following your dream, taking risks and giving yourself permission to enjoy your life.
Mother - Collaboration/Connection - The mother animation is based on the cycle of life. It’s instinctual for her to read another’s needs and respond accordingly. Her presence feels safe and she’s incredibly disarming. This is perfect for creating new relationships personally, in the work place, networking events, enhancing intimacy and even creative projects.
Maiden - Receptivity - The lighthearted animation of the maiden is what keeps her young. This is a curious energy; open to information, opportunity, guidance, fun and even the impossible. Channeling this expression is the crux to being a student of life. The maiden is also one of the most intuitive animations. Staying receptive to God, synchronicities or the soft voice in your head is how to stay connected to the magic of life.
For my paid subscribers I’m going to give 3 Detrimental Situations to animate warmth. Strategy informs you what’s best to do and what’s best to withhold. Consider upgrading your subscription for more details.
I am enrolling for my program Analyze to Strategize. This is a 1:1 hour session where:
I analyze your current animation
We strategize a new one to expand your range
The new animation will allow you to feel more free, claim your desires and execute the necessary steps to experience them. We’ll strategize those components together
I’m running the sessions until November 30th. But… If you purchase before October 31st I will gift you a free session. Three days left on this offer.
This is for you if you sense there’s more you could be doing:
You’ve been playing small long enough
Running in place without progress
Denying your true desires and breeding frustration
Analyze to Strategize clarifies which animation you need to reinvent yourself by expanding your range.
Click here to leverage your untapped potential
Consider donating on paypal , cashapp , or venmo (@el_eanordavid) to support my work
Master the dance between Love & Power, Review my online courses to get started
Curious on more of my thoughts and ideas? You can check out my Instagram
Okay, let’s talk about the other side of strategy. What NOT to do. Here are common examples I see of women who hold onto warm animations instead of leveraging the cooler characteristics.
The most common pitfall of the warm archetypes is not upholding their boundaries. Here are a few common examples I see.
Detrimental Opportunities for Women to Animate Warmth
Lover - Inconsistency - Attached to novelty herself, this animation is NOT ideal when people, companies or communication is sporadic. This is where the cooler expression of the Sage is better suited. The intellect of the Sage see’s from a birds eye perspective and knows how to prioritize strategy over gratification, which prevents people taking your time for granted.
Mother - Challenged - The instinct to fulfill the needs around her becomes a severe hindrance when it’s at odds with her own. Mother animation is NOT suitable for those questioning your values or challenging your “No’s”. The huntress independence will keep you sharp and affirm your stance signaling to others there is a line in the sand, and their position may seem right to them, but wrong for you.
Maiden - Starting Something New - Receptivity and learning is great in certain contexts. But her openness could be more of a distraction when starting a new business, youtube channel or simply exploring a new idea. The mystic’s sense of balance and inner peace is better suited to stay the course. She honors her intuition and knows how to manage her vision and divine guidance with every day demands.
What patterns have you noticed with yourself or the women in your life?
Consider donating on paypal , cashapp , or venmo (@el_eanordavid) to support my work
Master the dance between Love & Power, Review my online courses to get started
Curious on more of my thoughts and ideas? You can check out my Instagram