You're well intended, picking partners and getting married with your well thought out checklist.
You have social proof, he's a gentleman:
Good relationship with mom
Dependable traits
Responsible lifestyle
But... all of that comes with a hitch...
Whether you like it or not, the safe bet is a risk in itself.
The man who society deemed as good and proper may in fact be a great man, but it also includes a set of traits you need to be aware of.
Compliance. Conformity. Safe Choices.
Are any of these traits "bad" or "wrong"? Of course not.
But you need to understand the truth has two sides. And the good pick is a man with more malleability.
That can be a strength or a weakness.
As a woman you need to know to what extent this suits you. The flexibility, understanding, and accommodating are great attributes, but not all the time...
You can have too much of a good thing.
Too much security can start to feel... unsafe.
If he's this malleable with you… will he take the shape of anything and everything life throws his way? Will he stand on his square 10 toes down in the face of adversity? Will he hold his own when you desperately need it?
A man who does all the "shoulds", responds to your whim no questions asked, takes inventory of others without considering himself...
Has lost his edge.
He's lost the thing that makes men safe, powerful and top tier husbands.
His danger.
So when you choose the safe bet, the right man, the smart choice, the good relationship…
It's all fine and dandy until...
He can't handle your dark femme.
This decision is more than you steering clear of bad boys, settling down & maturing or getting “better taste” in men.
This decision is looking at men and determining who has the balls to handle all of you. Who is capable of holding presence for the chaotic depth beneath your surface? There's far more than meets the eye when it comes to the feminine nature. And you and I both know it.
The dangerous man sees and holds both sides of the truth.
Your dark and your light
But you're busy curating perfection on instagram, planning a wedding, hiding behind brightening filters and forcing smiles to strangers.
They say marriage is what kills relationships. No.
It's picking men who aren't dangerous
It's hiding behind the mask of good wife and suburban mom
It's seducing to perform
It's refusing to recognize you're the good standing citizen and the menace
It's denying there's a dog in you as a man
It's shaming the bitch in you as a woman
I'm tired of acting like the solution is women dressing up as witches and viewing “risky men” as something you do when you're young and dumb.
Allowing your dark femme to pick the dangerous man is the smartest decision of your life.
And it may just be the safest.
Join me Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:00 pm CST. For an analysis on 3 dating Mavens. This is an honest conversation of what women advise, strategize and want. The risks and security that come with dangerous men and the dark femme.
And how…. to get the perfect ratio for you and yours. Because it exists. I’m here to give you the elements beneath the surface so you can work with EVERY ingredient available to you. The good, the bad and the ugly have a place in your masterpiece. But no one’s shown you how until now.
Dating Gurus & The Dark Femme Lecture Here
Replay is available for those who are unable to attend live.
Looking forward to the conversation