The denial of a woman’s range is the biggest affront to the female psyche.
We’ve seen a proactive push for diversity, and there is more representation of physical beauty than ever before.
But if you look closer there’s still an attempt to streamline.
Hot & Fuckable.
Sweet & Pretty.
Wiley & Foxy.
Classy & Slinky.
Spiritual & Sensual.
Studious & Stimulating.
And we shuffle in our chosen category. Dress, talk, socialize, date and mate according to the typology system we’re subconsciously assigned to.
But the truth of the matter is any woman is every one of those things. And her nature is fluid enough traverse those waters.
The issue being two things: permission & acceptance.
The idea of woman changing her energetic signature at any given time puts everyone on edge.
And the reason being… a sense of control is looking to be established.
This doesn’t have to be forceful or aggressive. But being able to predict an outcome or social cue gives anyone a sense of comfort.
Women don’t have to be unhinged or show every single color and shade of her psyche in 15 minutes. But she doesn’t have to stay loyal to a script that appeases the supporting characters in her life.
This singularity of expression and identity is suffocating. And the idea of being predictable… a duty or favor women are paying you.
So why does she choose to limit herself?
She’s waiting for your permission. To introduce you to another woman who lives inside of her. Afraid you’ll reject an expression she’s kept hidden.
But honestly, it starts with her. She’s the woman who must accept the archetypes, give herself permission to color outside the lines, and even allow herself to have desires outside of neat expectations.
I feel men are hungry for this range while women feel pressured and unsatisfied in a way they can’t quite articulate..
So we see emotional range. Highs and lows. Outbursts and withholding. Warm and cold. All within the chosen archetype.
While women are actively muting themselves, we see men soften. Avoid challenge. Detach when female expression widens past their preferred range. The man who has depth is solid in his stance is the complimentary counter part of the feminine bandwidth. But a characteristic becoming more rare..
To clarify, range doesn’t have to mean chaos. Though it’s certainly an aspect. A woman who embodies new flavors can be a pleasant surprise.
I have some ideas on how women can animate her range in a way that’s safe, classy and strategic.
But first. Acceptance. And second. Permission.
When you’re aware you’re half way there. So let’s recognize what we’ve been socialized out of. Let’s grant ourselves permission to change our mind, change our tone and give a good plot twist when we feel like it.
I have a feeling like anything else, it’s not a one and done. A life long endeavor.
But let’s start here.
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