A Tale of Tension
Love & Lust
Finicky lovers
Bonded so deep you can hardly tell one from the other
Fundamentally different but still one and the same…
They both crave one another but one gets the blame
Lust the villain, the snake, the dehydrated trickster thirsty for a taste. Will stop at nothing to get its fill.
Known to cheapen the selections and compromise on morals, destroying others for momentary satisfaction…
Love, the innocent giver. Generous in body, mind & spirit. Forgiving and compassionate in the realm of what’s unforgivable. Naïve in its form when acquainted with cardinal desire.
Yet… the entanglement ensues and I wonder if chanting villain - victim is a distraction of something else…
Maybe lust and love become a unified front.
What was once a fragment of “right & wrong”, “good & bad”, “healthy & toxic” alchemize into one.
Desire & Devotion find their balance.
Animal & Spirit in proper ratio.
F***ing & Transcendence in correspondence.
A funny irony from God…
Lust depicted as the addiction of savages
Yet we crave & need love for our own survival, sanity and spirit…
An interesting pairing. One could easily devour the other. One could dissipate the others effect.
A delicate scale balanced with the principals of good and evil.
And perhaps… maybe you’re lucky enough to find a partner that meets you in the middle.