Before we dig in, I recognize everyone has their own thoughts and ideas of what is true and what is not.
The next 5 statements might not be true for you. But…
It’s a great joy for me to provide a different angle, deeper looks and analyses for YOU to decide what’s true.
That’s what having these conversations are all about. <3
The Dating Gurus & Dark Femme lecture is in ONE day! You have time to register and attend live, (if you’re unable the replay is available). I’m also doing a QnA at the end, you can reply to this email if you have any inquiries or curiosities you’d like me to add to the discussion. You can attend by click here.
1. Men Loose Respect for You After Sex
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the act itself. But how a woman conducts herself and relates to him before, during & after. It’s a very specific interplay, but certainly possible.
Once again, everything is a symbol. We talk about sex but it actually represents an underlying thought, premise and energy.
And whether we want to admit it or not…. it’s actually one of our most potent negotiations of power. And that’s what what people are saying without saying it. I know where you’re mind is going….
What we see online is taking this interplay to strategize power OVER the other.
But…. there is a doorway of reciprocity… where we exchange power WITH one another. And that is not taught or spoken about and very few can testify to it.
The reciprocal dynamic is witnessing one’s strength and surrendering to it in “equal” parts. Believe me when I say, it’s not about the act itself but how both parties come to it in their own power while honoring the other’s.
2. Marry a Provider to Get Your Dream Life
You can marry a provider and live a private nightmare, there are many archetypes who provide, the man who works for one won’t work for another
This is what I’m discussing in my lecture tomorrow. It’s vital we take a comprehensive look at what we’re selecting in a partner. This is deeper than logistics, values, hobbies and finances.
This is where we get brave as men and women. And take inventory from the dangerous man and dark femme. Because this expression of the human psyche is the doorway to our spiritual ascension. And this can be the most beautiful role in a marriage if we are honest about our dual nature and accept it within ourselves and witness it in our partner.
If you pick the provider who is a “smart” pick you are setting yourself up for a road that will lead to feeling caged, unseen, dismissed and empty. The dark femme doesn’t operate from a man’s logic. It’s a much higher intelligence but admittedly, it’s terrifying to trust the raw honesty.
Regardless you need to take responsibility of who you choose and who can hold that aspect of you. As perilous as it seems… it may just be the safest thing for your marriage.
3. The Dark Femme is the Shadow of the Light Femme
The Dark Femme is every archetype, her range is what creates mystery & intrigue, she moves between both.
You’ve been douped. It’s not like there isn’t enough division between women; mean girls, colorism, body comparisons, curl patterns, proposals, social media likes, clothes etc etc etc
I want you to pay very close attention. Because even in the self-help, manifestation and new age circles there is division and separation at play in their teachings.
The dark femme is not “opposing” anything light. She is all of it. The quicker we can recognize that the more power we can instill in womanhood and sisterhood.
4. The Femme Fatale is how to Seduce Men
The femme fatale is the spiritual embodiment of the truth. She is not fooled by beautiful lies and reveals what’s been concealed.
Men are a fun and most lovely by product :) (love you guys)
What is critical for me to communicate with all of you… The Femme Fatale is the murderess of deception and illusion. She cuts through Smokey mirrors and places a clean one in front of you. The Femme Fatale is a face of the Dark Femme and it takes more to become her than voice lessons and fashion nova. She laughs at those silly games. Only a few of you will be brave enough to animate her full range. If you’re one 777 is available. It’s for you accepting EVERY aspect of sin, men and femininity. If you’re not up for the task you can stay in the safety of consuming my free content.
5. Overcome your Shadow Self by Facing Dark Aspects (or Archetypes)
Each Archetype has a skillful & unskillful application. Separating archetypes from “light” and “dark” further fragments the psyche. You don’t fight one, you embody both.
The division is subtle and you really have to start paying attention.
I have yet to see a teacher online who covers archetypes with this understanding outside of myself. I get the appeal of having a dark alter ego or a name or character for aspects of you that are unfamiliar.
But it serves a larger agenda of separation by giving new names and characters to something that is intrinsically the same. I try not to be a Conspiracy Cathy on my public forums. But I promise you this, you will propel ten fold if you start to call the dark by the same name as the light. Because each archetype is only a gradient scale of the same energy. If it helps you conceptualize the variation mentally, I get it. But don’t confuse that for the reality. And I encourage you to start moving out of that.
Now that we’ve covered our bases, examined the messages beneath the surface… You can uncover more about the truth in relationships, seduction and the dark femme at the….
Dating Gurus & The Dark Femme Lecture
A Lecture Analyzing the Seductive Techniques of Three Online Mavens
Lecture is Live Tomorrow! Wednesday, April 3rd at 7 PM CST
Register Here
Replay is Available for those unable to attend live, also taking questions at the end. You can reply to this email with yours and I’ll be sure to share my insight.
Looking forward to the conversation.